Top BlackBerry PlayBook & Smartphone Games in July (Distimo)
Distimo released their mobile report for July this month and this time they are focused on games. The thing that I found the most interesting is this month they specifically break out PlayBook App World games from regular BlackBerry smartphone games. The lists are very telling so I highly recommend checking them out if…
Distimo Tells You What Words NOT to Use in Your App Name
A friend of mind sent me this interesting blog post by Distimo highlighting what words developers should not use in their application name. They base this on the fact that if you use these words you will not only get lost in the thousands of apps but will also lack any distinction. Personally I…
New EOY 2010 Distimo App World Report Shows Interesting Trends
Distimo can always be relied upon for some great analysis at the end of a month but their latest report on all of 2010 shows some interesting trends. 2010 was a big year for app stores and RIM has been making some good headway with 18,000+ apps now in App World. Still I find those…
Developers: Free Distimo Monitor App Analytics for App World Updated
We told you before that Distimo added support for App World in their free Distimo Monitor app store analytics solution. The Distimo team let me know that they have updated the Distimo Monitor analytics this week with a new mobile version and an improved dashboard. I think it is really cool that they have added…
BlackBerry App World September Stats Released by Distimo
Now that Distimo is offering developers their Distimo Monitor App World analytics tool for free they probably have better data on App World rankings. They just released their report on App World rankings for September 2010 and once again the numbers are not surprising. RIM still eats/pushes their own dog food with five of the…
Distimo Monitor Offers Developers Free Analytics Tool for App World
The Distimo team let us know that their popular app store analytics tool Distimo Monitor now supports BlackBerry App World. That means BlackBerry developers can now use the free Distimo Monitor tool to gain valuable insight into the performance of their apps and their competitors. With this announcement Distimo supports the Apple App Store, Google…
BlackBerry App World Stats Released by Distimo
I always have fun perusing the monthly Distimo report on all of the application storefronts. The latest report was just released and it focuses on how prevalent games are in each store. RIM is more or less tied for last place with Palm when it comes to games but hopefully that will change soon with…
Distimo Reports on June’s Top Paid & Free Apps in App World
Once a month Distimo comes out with a report on the top paid and free apps in all the different smartphone app stores. June’s report has some interesting changes but some things still amaze me. Some interesting things to note: ONCE AGAIN a memory booster took second place in paid apps!!! WTF! Pandora took top…