SOLIO Hybrid Solar Charger For Your BlackBerry
I just caught sight of an interesting new device to charge your cell at the digital experience event. SOLIO has a new pricey device that allows you to both charge your device using solar and AC power. The nice feature in the newer (and more expensive ~$199) version is that it has a battery built…
SlingPlayer For BlackBerry – Live Shots At CES!
I guess I scored my own personal jackpot tonight at the Digital Experience at CES. I got to handle a 8130 with a live SlingPlayer client installed. You can check it out from the pics below. We have been hearing about this player for ages so I am glad to finally see a working product….
Pink & Red 8130 Pearl 2 – Live Shots At CES!
While I was strolling around the BlackBerry booth tonight at Digital Experience I found that RIM actually does have an announcement for CES. They will be introducing a new pink and red BlackBerry 8130 CDMA Pearl device. This confirms what BoyGenius reported yesterday based on Verizon’s website. From what I could deduce from the PR…