"Dial-Up Networking" tag

BlackBerry PlayBook Internet Tethering Simply Uses Bluetooth Dial Up Networking

Over the last few weeks I have tried to explain to a few people the difference between the BlackBerry Bridge and the Internet Tethering  on the BlackBerry PlayBook. The BlackBerry Bridge simply proxies certain information like email, contacts, calendar, notes, tasks, and BBM from a BlackBerry to the PlayBook and shows that information on the…


FAQ: Setup Guide For Bluetooth Dial-Up Networking With Your BlackBerry

RIM detailed the steps for setting up Bluetooth dial-up networking on your BlackBerry in a recent knowledge base article. I had trouble setting this up in the past so I found the guide very helpful. In case you do not know Bluetooth dial-up networking means that you are tethering your BlackBerry over Bluetooth to connect…

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