RIM Reconfirms that PlayBook Charger Charges Smartphones Twice as Fast
We told you last month that RIM’s ShopBlackBerry store practically confirmed that the BlackBerry PlayBook Rapid Charger can charge BlackBerry smartphones twice as fast. Now we have even more proof from RIM on that front. They put up a new knowledge base entry titled “BlackBerry smartphone compatibility with BlackBerry PlayBook charger.” According to that…
RIM Confirms BlackBerry PlayBook Premium Charger Charges Phones 2X Faster!
There has been a bit of confusion about using the BlackBerry PlayBook Premium charger and charging BlackBerry smartphones. Kevin @CrackBerry speculated a few months back that the Premium Charger that ships with the Playbook charges phones faster but RIM was mum on the subject and we speculated on our own. Now RIM has confirmed…
More BlackBerry PlayBook OS Details Confirmed in Leaked Guides
The floodgates seems to be finally leaking at a faster pace now that we are closer to the BlackBerry PlayBook launch. The latest are three setup guides screen capped by Jordan Vail from a Webinar and nicely put up by Kevin. There are a few interesting takeaways in there and it shows that RIM is…
RIM Confirms Theme Builder OS 6.0 Update Coming This Month
For awhile RIM was doing a good job of keeping Theme Builder updates and patches up to date with new devices. They fell back a few months ago with the recent OS 6.0 updates leaving users and theme builders wondering when new devices will be able to get in on themes. Well we now have…