"Charging" tag

Solar Battery Charger App for BlackBerry 10!

  The latest entertaining entry to make it past the crack squad of BlackBerry World app reviewers is JelNet’s “Solar Battery Charger.” I kid you not. This is by far the best prank to pull on people asking why BlackBerry 10 is so special. Just tell them the light sensor underneath the screen allows for…


Solutions to "The Charging Source Connected To Your BlackBerry Device Cannot Charge Your Battery"

  Over the years BlackBerry devices have needed more power and the latest BlackBerry 7 devices are the hungriest. Back in the day it used to be a matter of drivers not being installed on your PC and getting the "USB charging current is insufficient" error though sometimes those solutions work today. That error has…


OEM BlackBerry 7 J-M1 Extra Battery Charger Bundle Only $24 @Amazon

If you have been looking for a quick way to double your daily battery life on your BlackBerry 7 device (at least most of them) then this is the deal for you. The BlackBerry J Series Extra Battery Bundle which includes an extra battery and external charger is selling for a super low price on…


Super Slim ChargeCard Adds MicroUSB Support for BlackBerrys

The Kickstarter crew behind the ChargeCard for iOS devices let us know that they have updated their project with a MicroUSB offering. Since you may not have heard about ChargeCard before here is a bit of background. ChargeCard promises to be the slimmest charging and data cable for mobile devices that fits in your wallet. …


RIM’s Latest Patent Shows Charging Cellphone Holster

I have always been a huge fan of holsters for my BlackBerry and really missed the old CaseMate Fuel charging holster I used to have on my Bold 9000. Engadget spotted a new patent awarded to RIM after a filing in 2012 for a “Handheld electronic device with holster having a notification device.” They describe…


RIM Reconfirms that PlayBook Charger Charges Smartphones Twice as Fast

  We told you last month that RIM’s ShopBlackBerry store practically confirmed that the BlackBerry PlayBook Rapid Charger can charge BlackBerry smartphones twice as fast. Now we have even more proof from RIM on that front. They put up a new knowledge base entry titled “BlackBerry smartphone compatibility with BlackBerry PlayBook charger.” According to that…


RIM Confirms BlackBerry PlayBook Premium Charger Charges Phones 2X Faster!

  There has been a bit of confusion about using the BlackBerry PlayBook Premium charger and charging BlackBerry smartphones. Kevin @CrackBerry speculated a few months back that the Premium Charger that ships with the Playbook charges phones faster but RIM was mum on the subject and we speculated on our own. Now RIM has confirmed…


Updated: BlackBerry Bold 9900 Has Wireless Charging Built In?

Update: We just heard from another reliable source that the contacts on the back are not for inductive charging but rather just for the NFC antenna. We knew that it had an NFC antenna in the cover but we will be keeping an eye on this one. Check the picture above to see what the…

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