RIM Releases March 2012 Daylight Savings Time Update Patch
Roman let us know that RIM has released their March 2012 Daylight Savings Time Update download for regular users and BES admins. This update includes a few of the updates that were originally in the February 2012 DST update along with new ones that have been updated since. If you live in Russia, Samoa, Israel,…
Check Out RIM’s Mobile World Congress Minisite & Updates
RIM is once again making a big splash at Mobile World Congress. RIM just started making their presence at MWC in 2010 with Mike Lazaridis giving a keynote. Now 2 years later RIM seems to have their method down running their own Developer Day which has been popular over the years along with a…
My Time @ BlackBerry DevCon Europe 2012
Firstly let me just say a big thanks to Ronen for in-trusting me to write a post on my experience at BlackBerry DevCon Europe. I was due to write a little post after each day of DevCon, alas on Tuesday evening; RIM treated us to the BlackBerry DevCon Party. Suffice to say my attempt at writing a post after…
RIM Shares BlackBerry DevCon 2012 Europe Day 1 Highlight Reel Video
Feel like you are missed out on BlackBerry DevCon 2012 in Amsterdam? BlackBerry UK has you covered with a highlight reel of Day 1 of the event. It gives you a quick snapshot of what the show looks like and really makes the event shine. My buddy Matthias also managed to get his FileScout app…
RIM Posts Up Replay of BlackBerry DevCon 2012 Europe Keynote
In case you were not up at the ungodly time of the morning here on the east coast to listen to the DevCon 2012 Europe keynote you are in luck. Tom let us know that RIM has posted up a replay video of the whole keynote for you to check out in all its glory….
RIM VP Christopher Smith Talks About Future of BlackBerry Development
RIM just posted up another video interview this time with one of my favorite and passionate people at RIM. Christopher Smith is RIM’s VP of BlackBerry Application Platform & Tools and is responsible for practically all of the framework and architecture design for BlackBerry development. In the video below he talks about RIM’s commitment to…
RIM Shows How “Open On..” Features Works for BlackBerry Bridge 2.0
RIM has gone ahead and confirmed that BlackBerry Bridge will also be getting a v2.0. While on stage at BlackBerry DevCon Europe Vivek Bhardwaj, Head of Software Portfolio EMEA at RIM, tried to demo opening a picture you took on your BlackBerry smartphone on your PlayBook. This is a cool Open On feature that RIM…
Alec Saunders Shares App World Stats – App World is Second Most Profitable App Store
While on stage during the DevCon Europe 2012 keynote Alec Saunders took to his “Myth Busting” again. He shared some updated details about BlackBerry development and how it compares to the competition and its ranking as the second most profitable app store after Apple’s App Store. According to the stats Alec cited there are now…