Free VLC Player for Android Works Beautifully on BlackBerry OS 10.2.1+ (AC3 Support!)
A buddy of mine told me yesterday to try out the latest VLC Player for Android v0.1.4 and I am happy to report that it works beautifully on my Z30 with OS 10.2.1! Best of all the VLC player supports hardware accelerated decoding (turn it on in the settings) along with AC3 audio which BlackBerry…
Giveaway Winner! 20,000 mAh Professional Power Pack From Roving Power
The lucky winner has been chosen! Last week we introduced you to this beast of an external battery: the Professional Power Pack by Roving Power. The comments and tweets are in and the winner has been notified. The winner is… _ALL_Good Congratulations! We hope you enjoy many extra hours of gadget-enjoying bliss thanks to your…
Free Paddle Shock Breaker – Christmas Edition
The holiday is just wrapping up but James from CrackBerry noticed a fun free game Dumadu. Paddle Shock Breaker – Christmas Edition is free for the holidays and has some really fun holiday themes. The only catch is that it is only available for the Z10, Z30, P’9982, and the PlayBook. Check out Paddle Shock…
Review and Giveaway! 20,000 mAh Professional Power Pack by Roving Power
When the folks at Roving Power reached out to us to review one of their power packs, I jumped at the chance. When I came across their Professional monster I was sure the battery capacity was a typo. Twenty thousand (20,000) mAh! That’s over triple the juice of my other external battery so I…
Classic Brick Breaker "Bold" Returns on BlackBerry 10 Courtesy of BlackBerry (BETA)
It seems like BlackBerry employees are also nostalgic for some Brick Breaker classic fun. They just released a fun free version of Brick Breaker Bold that is supposed to revive the classic game. I was disappointed when BlackBerry 10 shipped without a signature game preloaded but at least BlackBerry is throwing us a Throwback…
On the 6th Day of Christmas BlackBerry Gives Pacemaker
I don’t know about you, but I’m loving the BlackBerry 25 Days of Gifts. Yesterday was Color ID, and day 6 brings Pacemaker for BlackBerry 10! Pacemaker is a great app, I have it on my BlackBerry PlayBook. What is Pacemaker for BlackBerry 10? Pacemaker is optimized for BlackBerry 10, giving you the ability to…
Nutty Player Adds More Features to BlackBerry 10 Video Player
I have been impatiently patiently waiting for BlackBerry to add more features and flair to the BlackBerry 10 video player. For a bit now Nutty Player by Macadamian has stepped in to add some of their own touches. They actually released the app a bit back but after Bla1ze mentioned it on CrackBerry I…
Foursquare for BlackBerry 10 Gets Updated to v10.3.1.1376
Foursquare just got a nice update to v10.3.1.1376. This update is not huge in terms of features but fixes some quirks in the app. I like the fact that this app seems to be in regular development with them finally fixing the sharing of photos from other apps. This version also fixes the hub…