Facebook Mobile App News Feed Having Privacy Issues
A week or so ago, I noticed that my News Feed in the BlackBerry 10 Facebook app was inundated with posts showing me everything my friends “Like” or comment on, including activities of people who were NOT on my Friends list. For example: Bob is not my friend, but Sally is my friend. I see…
Was Today A Sign of The Future BlackBerry?
Well today as many of us know was the long anticipated launch of the BlackBerry Passport. Many of us have thought how will this device work in to our current “glass slab” smartphone ecosystem, will a device this big really make a difference? Will be adapt and adopt to the design and follow BlackBerry’s vision?…
How Much Are You Paying in Cellphone Taxes & Surcharges?
I had a little revelation last night when I was comparing my families cell phone bill on AT&T with my parents Verizon bill. I have become so desensitized to AT&T charging me almost $10 in taxes and surcharges PER LINE, and increasingly raising the “surcharges”, that I could not imagine anything else. It turns out…
Why Sent Messages "Quickly Disappear and Reappear" After Sending on BlackBerry 10
One of the many things that has bothered my visually in BlackBerry 10 is how sent messages are handled. When you send a message from an activesync or IMAP enabled account on BlackBerry 10 you will see the sent message appear then disappear then appear again. It turns out that BlackBerry actually intended this annoying…
Updated: Is Google Play Store Landing on BlackBerry 10.2.1?
Update: As far as I know this has been confirmed as a hoax. Sorry guys! Well to say there haven’t been some fueled discussions about this in some of my groups would be a lie. From the optimist who wants to see this land on the BlackBerry 10 platform, to the other who don;t believe…
Long Running Headless Apps Now Require BlackBerry OS 10.2.1!?!
This is starting to get ridiculous. Since BlackBerry 10 launched I have been hearing complaints from developers and users about the lack of being able to run apps in the background without active frames. Now we are tens of OS releases later with multiple public rollouts and we still do not have this critical feature….
Dear BlackBerry… PLEASE Show BBM “Suggested Contacts” on iPhone & Android
One of the main things that made WhatsApp popular was how it sucked in your phones address book and presented your contacts using the service. BlackBerry added a similar feature in BBM 10 that would scan your address book for potential BBM contacts (by BBID email I think) but they hid it on the third…
Sometimes It Feels Like BlackBerry’s Developers Never Used BlackBerry 7…
There has been something nagging me since I first started using BlackBerry 10. Sometimes when using BlackBerry 10 it feels like the developers at BlackBerry have never used a legacy BlackBerry 7 device. I just get so frustrated when my old BlackBerry 7 device is more efficient at certain communication tasks than my top of…