Three Free Holiday BlackBerry Themes From RIM
It has been years since the last time I have heard of RIM releasing a free theme. They used to do it regularly on but with the advent of App World it has really dried up. While perusing App World I discovered that RIM has quietly released three free themes for the holidays….
OS for BlackBerry Bold 9000 and Curve 8900 Found Online
The BlackBerry Bold 9000 and BlackBerry Curve 8900 surprisingly still have a strong following. Those of you still using them should be happy to learn that you can now download the latest OS courtesy of Driphter which spotted both of them. You can download them at the links below: BlackBerry Bold 9000 OS…
BlackBerry Bold 9000 OS Officially Released by AT&T
In a nice update from AT&T we now have OS for the BlackBerry Bold 9000. AT&T is notorious for delaying or not updating old devices but its nice to see they have not forgotten the original You can pick up the update Warning: This OS will not install on any other BlackBerry besides…
OS for the BlackBerry 9000, 8520, & 8900 Found Online
Its nice to see older devices get some leak love. The latest updates are for the BlackBerry Bold 9000, BlackBerry Curve 8520, & BlackBerry Curve 8900 bringing them up to OS You can download them at the links below: 8520 : 8900 : 9000 : I am not sure where they…
Advanced Users: Driphter Releases Willyboy 85xx, 8900, 9000, 9700 v6.1 ( Hybrids
NOTE: These hybrids are meant only for advanced users since you really can screw up your device if you install them wrong and you wont get any support from RIM. Proceed at your own risk! Driphter has gone and publicly released their latest OS 6.0 based hybrids for the BlackBerry 85xx, 8900, 9000, and 9700….
BlackBerry Bold 9000 & Curve 8900 OS Found Online!
Some good news for BlackBerry Bold 9000 and BlackBerry Curve 8900 users. Bla1ze @CrackBerry just spotted OS 5,0.0.554 for you to download at the link below. BlackBerry Bold 9000 @ Hotfile BlackBerry Curve 8900 @ Hotfile If you do not know how to upgrade your BlackBerry OS please start by reading this great step by…
Official OS for BlackBerry Bold 9000 Curve 8900 & 8520 Released by WIND Hellas
The official release of OS 5.0.509 for the BlackBerry Curve 8520 an 8900 and the BlackBerry Bold 9000 comes right after we leaked it so I doubt there are many differences if you have already upgraded. If not it seems like a pretty solid upgrade. Curve 8520 users will be glad to also get a…
New UltiMatte Nano Theme from Ninja Themes – 30 Free Copies!
He’s baaaaaaaack! Ninja Themes, one of THE masters of theme making, is back in action with his latest whammy of a theme…UltiMatte Nano. Yes people, this theme is dark, slick and oh so handsome. I tested the 9700 version and not only are the graphics of extreme quality but I am loving the matte icons,…