9500 Storm

Three Free Holiday BlackBerry Themes From RIM

  It has been years since the last time I have heard of RIM releasing a free theme. They used to do it regularly on mobile.blackberry.com but with the advent of App World it has really dried up. While perusing App World I discovered that RIM has quietly released three free themes for the holidays….

Give Your BlackBerry the Look of Droid with bDroidX theme!

First glance of the screen shots alone on this theme got my heart pounding pretty fast. Yeah, it’s a slick theme that gives your BlackBerry Storm or Torch the look of Droid. I tested the Torch version and it ran very smooth while looking extremely sexy. Designed by MBCustomz (who IMO always makes some of…

Free Touch Unlock App – Connect The Dots to Unlock Your Storm

If you have ever used an Android phone you may be familiar with this “unlock by connecting the dots” pattern unlock feature. Joseph let us know that MMMOOO has released v1.1 of Touch Unlock which lets you do just that on a touchscreen BlackBerry Storm. Sadly the app is not available for the Torch but…

Free BlockBerry Game (Tetris Clone) v6.03 Fixes Torch and Storm Portrait Issue

BlockBerry is one of my favorite games for BlackBerry. We mentioned the previous update to v6.01 a bit back which added BlackBerry Torch and Storm screen support. DavidB let us know that v6.03 has been released which fixes an annoyance in the game. According to the change log: Game no longer needs to be started…

BlackBerry Storm 9530 OS Found Online

It has been awhile since the last OS leak for the BlackBerry Storm 9530. Well we now have OS No word on if this build is solid but let us know in the comments! Download OS below: Hotfile Dbank via BerryCN via CrackBerry Warning: This OS will not install on any other BlackBerry…

Slick ‘Suited’ by Ninja Themes – 30 Free Copies!

Just when I thought I wasn’t expecting it, a totally hot and slick Torch theme comes along. Well this one isn’t just for the Torch, is actually available for most recent BlackBerry devices. Suited from Ninja Themes is, as they say, perfectly suited for any BlackBerry from the 8900 to the 9800. I played with…

New Sphere Theme from Hedone Design

It’s been a little quiet for theme submissions lately but then poof, they all come in at once. The latest design to come out of Hedone Design is called Sphere. Take note, this is a very simple, grey/black colored theme but with luminous (almost glowing) blue accents. I wouldn’t say I fell head over heels…

B3 Theme from Hedone Design Is All Business

I can’t keep up with Hedone Design and all the themes they’ve been pumping out lately but their latest, B3 did catch my eye. A very business like theme (which it was meant to be) with soft grey colors and OS 6 icons B3 offers a center Today screen for calendar, messages and missed calls…

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