Verizon BlackBerry Storm 2 and Curve 8530 End Of Life Soon
The team at PhoneDog got some confirmation that Verizon has put the BlackBerry Storm 2 9550 and BlackBerry Curve 8530 on death row and marked for End Of Life. The dates are: BlackBerry Storm2 9550 – October 10th 2010 BlackBerry Curve 8530 – September 16th 2010 It is also interesting to note that the BlackBerry…
BlackBerry Curve 8530 OS Found Online
With the BlackBerry Curve 8530 still selling with the 9300 right around the corner it is nice to see new OS leaks. The latest is version which is a couple bumps up from the previous OS available courtesy of BBLeaks. You can pick up the new version at one of the links below: RapidShare…
OtterBox Releases Pink “Strength” Case for BlackBerry Bold 9700
Since WES OtterBox has been pushing hard with their “Strength” case line which benefits the Avon Breast Cancer Crusade. 10% of the purchase price from each OtterBox Commuter Series “Strength” case will go to support finding a cure for breast cancer and advancing cancer care. What is truly impressive is that to date OtterBox has…
BlackBerry Curve 8500 Shows Up in BlackBerry 6 Developer Slides
I am not sure if we are reading too much into this but Piotr from pointed out that the BlackBerry 6 developer brief slides that just leaked show off the BlackBerry Curve 8500 series device twice. So far we have been under the assumption that BlackBerry 6 would not be coming to devices with…
Rumor: So Long T-Mobile BlackBerry Curve 8520…
While T-Mobile is still selling the BlackBerry Curve 8520 in Black and they recently released it in Fuchsia Red it looks like they are winding down sales. We knew this was coming because the BlackBerry Curve 9300 is ready to join T-Mobile’s lineup and it brings support for T-Mobile’s 3G network along with GPS. Mac…
OS for the BlackBerry 9000, 8520, & 8900 Found Online
Its nice to see older devices get some leak love. The latest updates are for the BlackBerry Bold 9000, BlackBerry Curve 8520, & BlackBerry Curve 8900 bringing them up to OS You can download them at the links below: 8520 : 8900 : 9000 : I am not sure where they…
Advanced Users: Driphter Releases Willyboy 85xx, 8900, 9000, 9700 v6.1 ( Hybrids
NOTE: These hybrids are meant only for advanced users since you really can screw up your device if you install them wrong and you wont get any support from RIM. Proceed at your own risk! Driphter has gone and publicly released their latest OS 6.0 based hybrids for the BlackBerry 85xx, 8900, 9000, and 9700….
BlackBerry Curve 9300 (Or New 8530???) Passes FCC Inspection
Yesterday Engadget reported that what looked like a BlackBerry Curve 9300 got approval from the FCC. The problem is that WirelessGoodness makes some good arguments on why it could just as easily be a new variant of the BlackBerry Curve 8530 with CDMA AWS 1700. The problem stems from the fact that the 9300 &…