Free Apple Leopard Custom Zen Theme For 8300 & 8800
Lauren let us know about this slick new Leopard knockoff theme on Themes4BB. It is a great Bottom dock theme by Amusic that replicates the Leopard experience. Not much more to say beyond that. The icons are slick but a bit small and the text is a bit blocky but other than that it is…
Free Bold L/BottomDock/Zen/Icon Theme For 8100 & 8300
Steve just let me know about a slick new set of themes he has just released. It is a BlackBerry Bold knockoff theme but with a cool blue styling instead of the traditional red that we have been seeing. It comes in icon, L, Zen, & bottom dock style formats so there is something for…
3 Free OS 4.5 Themes For 8100, 8300, 8700, & 8800
Peter just let me know that they released three free OS 4.5 themes for the BlackBerry. This brings back the Precision L theme that many of you have been looking for since it got pulled previously. eVeek also threw in two other themes that look quite good. They are available for OTA and desktop download…
Commercial Reflex Plus Theme For 8100, 8300, & 8800
Bplay released a slick Reflex 2.0 theme a few weeks ago but Robby let me know about a reiteration that Bplay has just released. It is called Reflex Plus and looks absolutely stunning. It is a “Next Gen” today plus theme with a bottom dock that IS customizable! The theme looks really cool and really…
OS For The 8320 Found Online
Thanks to another anonymous tipster who found OS for the 8320 on the interweb. Point in fact: NOTE: Do not install this software if you do not know what you are doing. It may make your BlackBerry FUBAR or just plain angry.
OS For CDMA 8330 Found Online
Score one for our anonymous tipster this weekend. Turns out that OS has been found on the radar by one of our readers. Point in fact can be found here: NOTE: Do not install this software if you do not know what you are doing. It may make your BlackBerry FUBAR or just…
OS For The 8310 Found Online
Thanks to quite a few anonymous tipsters who sent this in! OS for the 8310 has been spotted all over the interweb. For example: Here & Here NOTE: Do not install this software if you do not know what you are doing. It may make your BlackBerry FUBAR or just plain angry.
BlackBerry Firmware v4.5.0.37 for 8310 available for Telstra Australia
Telstra Australia has released the first of the v4.5.0.xx firmware for their 8310 devices today. Hopefully this will be the first of many of the new operating system upgrades across all networks in Australia. You can get the upgrade at this link; Download Source; BlackBerry Forums Australia.