Dear RIM, Can We Get Network Activity “Arrows” on the BlackBerry PlayBook?
There is one thing I am really missing on the BlackBerry PlayBook that I have always treasured on my BlackBerry Smartphone as far as I can remember. Data activity arrows showing you what is going on when the app does not offer you a progress notification. I can understand that they may be distracting in…
When BBM Makes it to the PlayBook Will it Have Video Chat and a New UI?
Many have questioned whether the PlayBook will have a PIN or not and why does it not have BBM? The current BBM on BlackBerry devices was made for the current BlackBerry OS and not for the kernel that makes up the QNX software. It has been said that the PlayBook may run BlackBerry apps but…
Should RIM Acquire an Industrial Design firm?
I touched upon this topic in a thread I started in the forum, but I thought I’d elaborate on it here as a posted article. BerryReview, a few while back, highlighted this piece in Business Insider rounding up its “Best Tech Acquisitions of 2010”. Guess which one was ranked at the top?
DreamBerry: Can We Get Some BlackBerry Browser Plugins???
It has been a LOOOOONG time since I wrote my last DreamBerry post. In DreamBerry articles we try to highlight something we wish RIM or developers will create for BlackBerry users. This time I wanted to focus on the BlackBerry browser and one of the things I miss the most when browsing from my BlackBerry….
DreamBerry: Tie Your Profile & Wireless Settings & More To Your Location (Cell Tower or GPS)
I have a dream… Back in the day on my S60 Nokia 3650 & N-gage (Yeah I admit to having one) I had a really cool program that I wish was available for BlackBerry. It would constantly monitor your location based on the cellphone tower you were connected to and allow you to set certain…
DreamBerry: Deleted Email Items Folder – Recover A Deleted Email
One of the first things I had to setup on my BlackBerry was to turn off the confirmation for deleting each email. This confirmation gets annoying when you are trying to delete your spam in the morning or quickly clean up your inbox. The problem is that sometimes it causes me to accidentally delete an…
DreamBerry Idea: LED Shut-off during Video playback.
I had a request from one of the forum users on BlackBerry Forums Au last week requesting if there was an application available that could switch off the blinking notification LED during video playback on a BlackBerry. At first I dismissed the idea by just answering, ‘switch off the indicator manually whilst playing back video’….
Dreamberry: better profile management
This annoyance has happened to me four times: lose all my profiles. First, one application reset all my ringtone profiles. Then another one did the same a few months later. “That’s what backups are for,” you must be thinking. But that is not so simple.