Miscellaneous Applications

Real Estate App Trulia Launches on BlackBerry 10

We seem to be seeing a lot of good applications slowly making their way on to BlackBerry 10.  And this morning with the launch of Trulia, it is no exception.  Trulia is a well known real estate site that lets users browse homes for sale or rent on the go.  With the launch of their…

Blippar Image Recognition Augmented Reality App Goes Native on BlackBerry 10

BlackBerry actually used Blippar as a marketing tool (that kind of flopped) when they first launched BlackBerry 10. Their app allowed iOS and Android users to point their app at certain websites and other ads and see why they should switch to BlackBerry 10. These ads are called “blips” and the Blippar app allows your…

The Wait Is Over, Blaq is Back With v1.1!

That’s right, the best Twitter app on BlackBerry 10 has been updated and back in a big way! You can find it in BlackBerry World. Prepare to be surprised, there’s a lot in this update, for both those with 10.0 and 10.1 and from Q to Z. What’s new in Blaq for BlackBerry 10? Let’s…

BlackBerry Hub and Third Party Apps, Where is Blaq for BlackBerry 10?

With BlackBerry 10, I absolutely love the Hub because it’s the first thing I check every morning and throughout the day. All my messages in one place, it’s so convenient. Now we’ve seen WhatsApp and now Foursquare be knighted with Hub integration. As a group we use WhatsApp (until BBM goes cross-platform that is) and…

BeBuzz 10 Pro Updates With Support For BeWeather, What’s App, Blaq and More!

  One of my favorite apps. BeBuzz, updated today and it had quite the changelog. If you’ve never heard of BeBuzz, it’s an alerts app you can customize with ringtones, LED’s, and vibrate. Customize not only apps but contacts as well. If you work where your phone must be silent, know that you can still…

Meet Your Device Updates With More Additional Information!

Meet Your Device allows you to keep track of your device’s hardware and battery, with even more now. The app is only $1.99 in BlackBerry World and is very concise. you’ll love all the information you can see through this app on your device. The update brings even more to the screen for you. I…

Facebook App for BlackBerry 10 Gets Facelift: Updates to v10.2 Sporting New Features and Design

Today Inside BlackBerry announced the updated Facebook App v10.2Actually the Facebook app for BlackBerry 10 updated twice today. The second update corrected the version showing. I”ll show you the changelogs and see what you think. Have you upgraded your Facebook yet? If not, you should really check it out. According to the first update the…

Blue Now Available For BlackBerry 10, Get Your App.Net On

App.net is a social network that is ad-free and is also a microblogging service. It allows up to 256 characters. The network began as a site where developers could show their applications, but turned into a network similar to Twitter without ads. There is a freemium account and paid account. The paid account user can…

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