Desktop Utilities

BlackBerry Link updates to v1.2.0.28 on Windows

BlackBerry has rolled out a new version of BlackBerry Link today for Windows users. This seems to be similar to the leak that happened a bit back. Check out the latest version on BlackBerrys website. This version is mainly focused on a new UI together with more reliable backups and restores along with syncing.

BlackBerry Link for Windows Updated to v1.1.1.41

  BlackBerry has pushed out a small update to BlackBerry Link for Windows. It is still unclear what exactly the update brings but my guess is improvements in the sync engine and backup functions. You can pick up the new update for yourself directly from BlackBerry. Thanks Zooby for the tip!

BB10 / PlayBook App Manager Sideloading Tool Updated for Google Chrome

This chrome plugin is still my favorite way for sideloading apps on BlackBerry 10. The PlayBook App Manager extension for Chrome received an update this week which seems to have changed its name and added a few bug fixes in v2.1.0. It is now called the BB10 / PlayBook App Manager which makes more sense….

LocalBar2 Brings On Device Sideloading (With Proxy) Back to BlackBerry 10

Some of you may remember LocalBar by Yohanes and its ability to sideload apps onto your PlayBook without a desktop. BlackBerry closed that loop but the developers found a way around it using a proxy. Now the OSBB team has decided to recompile LocalBar for BlackBerry 10 and the PlayBook and bring back the fun….

New BlackBerry 10 Sideloading Tool Hopes To Simplify The Process (Beta)

There have been quite a few sideloading tools for BlackBerry 10 and the PlayBook over the years with their pros and cons. Terrence pointed out yet another project that is kicking off now in beta that tries to combine all of the sideloading functions into one. The developers is tied to so you will…

BB10 PC Outlook Sync Brings Outlook Two Way Sync Functionality To Your BB10 Device!

One of the more popular questions or concerns regarding the BlackBerry 10 devices so far have been about syncing with Outlook. BlackBerry has promised to bring the feature shortly and it seems like they are almost there. Still Outlook sync is a key feature that many businesses had come to rely on due to it…

Step By Step Guide to Sideloading Apps on BlackBerry 10

As many of you may have noticed, a lot of our recent posts for popular apps involve sideloading.  If you are unfamiliar with sideloading, it is taking a downloaded .BAR file, mainly an Android port or a beta copy of a new app and then installing it on your PlayBook or BlackBerry 10 device using…

VNBB Releases vnBB10, BlackBerry 10 Sideloader With Extra Features

Most of us with PlayBooks and BlackBerry 10 devices are familiar with the use of sideloading.  It lets us put Android ports on to our devices, mainly apps that are not available in BlackBerry World. There haven’t been too many tools to do this, mainly DDPB and BBHTools.  Well this morning VNBB released their own…

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