
Free “OSHA Regulated” Curve Theme

BoRockster over at BlackLightThemes has created a pretty cool & fun “OSHA Regulated” theme for the Curve! This is a very clean & crisp theme. I love the wallpaper he used for the homescreen!  The neon yellow focus icon really makes this theme look snazzy! The homescreen bottom dock icons are user customizable. I am…

Free iPhoneish Storm Theme

Michael Small over at BlackberryThemes UK hooked me up with an amazing Iphoneish theme for the Storm! Personally, I like the look of the iPhone but definately prefer my Storm! This allows you to have the best of both worlds! This themes has a sleek & modern feel to it. The shelving layout is really…

Free Zodiac Sign Themes for the 8300 Series!

Cmangum over at PapaMagsBBThemes sent me a really cool set of themes he created! He has made a whole set of Zodiac Sign Themes for the 8300 series! I have attached a few screen shots from the series! I love the unique icon placement, it really makes the theme pop!  If you are interested in…

Free RadioActive Storm Theme

I came across a theme by Atticfaith77 over at BlackLight Themes called RadioActive. My first reaction was, “Wow! That is one bright theme!” The thing that I love most about this theme is that it is clean & crisp. Being that I am a Storm owner, I downloaded this & gave it a whirl. The…

Free Android Storm Theme

Theme designer, ecruz has created another fantastic theme! My first impression when I saw this theme was how slick & modernized it is. ecruz has created 2 versions for this theme. I know personally, I like to have a choice in what style I get when I download a theme. Just to give a little…

Free Lamborghini Storm Theme

Akakios over at BlackLightThemes is creating Storm themes left & right! He showed  me this rad theme he created for the Storm. I know if you are a sports car lover you will definitely flip over this theme! Since I am a sports car lover & Storm owner myself, I decided I would test this…

Free Flippin’ Flowers Theme for the 8220!

Cmangum at Papa Mags BB Themes sent me a theme to check out. This one is definitely for the ladies! If you’ve got the Pearl Flip & you are looking for something colorful & unique, this is for you! I absolutely love the color scheme he has used – purple, green, pink, & black  look…

Review: BlackBerry Storm Rubberized Plastic Case with Belt Clip

Review: BlackBerry Storm Rubberized Plastic Case with Belt Clip [rating:1] Site: Cost: $13.99 USD w/Free Shipping I was in the market for a case that would be able to stand up to my everyday BlackBerry abuse and I came across this Rubberized Plastic Case. It was pink, which is my all time favorite color…

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