BB10 Square One & Yorkdale Mall apps (Canada)

Hats off to the developer of the Square One & Yorkdale mall apps for BlackBerry10. There is not many reviews (0 on the Yorkdale mall app), yet these are some of the most well made BlackBerry10 apps I’ve come across. Neither app requests any permissions, yet is able to offer a plethora of features. Square One and Yorkdale are two separate malls in…

How to Enable BlackBerry Device Analyzer in OS

   BlackBerry Device Analyzer, is an application/set of tools to monitor the health of your BlackBerry. Among other things, it is used to keep track of service coverage & drops and battery charge/discharge rates. BlackBerry OS – which is the latest OS release for many of the BB7 phones – brought us ‘Application Resource…

Tip: SideLoad PlayBook Apps Using LocalBar2 Without a Proxy

Originally, a PC was required in order to sideload apps onto the PlayBook. The first release of LocalBar was created to give users the ability to sideload apps ‘locally. The PlayBook could now sideload apps onto itself. Using LocalBar, the requirement for a PC was gone. RIM then blocked that feature. The PlayBook can no longer…

How to add fonts to your BlackBerry smartphone (without an app)

For years, I was under the impression you could only install fonts with the assistance of an app. I recently found out that is not at all accurate. You simply need the a font in TrueType (.ttf) format. In this guide, for illustration purposes, I will be using the free (open source)  ‘Ubuntu-R’ font. *WARNING:…

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