Review & Giveaway: Ungrip – Don’t Drop your Phone!

BlackBerry has been built to last, in most cases, and they have been built quite well, though in the latest debacle – the BlackBerry KEYone screen may not be as well built into the device body like the other devices. But, nonetheless, dropping your phone is without doubt a painful memory, be it for the floor or device which are more often than not, going to get a wound. That said, in Asia, there have been these metal ring can be pasted on the back of the phone that are on sale here cheaply which you can slip a finger through and potentially, hold on to the device should you lose your grip on it. However, whilst ingenious the idea was, that accessory was plagued with issues ranging from the metal ring breaking after a while of usage, to the metal ring being uncomfortable and rigid.

Ungrip - Specials Collection Retail Packaging

Today, here we have an alternative from Ungrip. Instead of using a metal ring, we have a comfortable fabric loop that can come in many different colors or designs which are even hot-swappable. If it was going to spoil, unlike the metal variant, we would be able to visibly see the wear and tear which signals to us it was time to change the grip already.

As of now, Ungrip has 3 different collection features lots of colors and customization for you already but the collection are set to grow, so customization options are boundless.

Out of the retail packaging for Ungrip

Out of the retails packaging, we get an additional set of adhesive, an alcohol cleaning swab to clean the pasting area, a brochure as well the the Ungrip itself.

Ungrip - broken down

The Ungrip itself is made of two portions – the base for sticking to the phone firmly, and ungrip itself that connects to the base.

Ungrip with 3M VHB tape

The Ungrip is stuck to the phone using 3M VHB tapes, which mind you, are high-strength, double-sided acrylic foam tapes that actually builds strength over time. So, will it stick well? Definitely!

Using it for the past few week, the Ungrip held up to the phone pretty darn well, spinning the phone and throwing it around with my finger in it was no issue and it stayed firmly in place.

The 2 piece that makes up Ungrip

Ungrip is available from Ungrip’s shop directly starting from $12 today and I totally recommend you guys to check this out!


The guys over at Ungrip has been kind enough to sponsor a few sets of these super useful Ungrip accessories for BerryReview readers. How to win one? Simple, just log onto our site (make sure you are logged in!), and comment below on your worst phone horrors – it can be how you dropped your phone or your phone slipped out your hands! Winners will be chosen at random and comments close this Saturday, 17 June!

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