Right on the heels of OS 10.2.1 update from Sprint, here is the latest leak! This is the latest OS This brings the leaked OS 10.3 to the same level as the simulator that was released a few days back.
Note that this is still a leak, beta build, alot of things can go wrong still. We will not be responsible if anything happens to your device, so proceed with caution!
If you know how to use Sachesi:
Download the CORE OS
If you are Verizon, download this CORE OS instead
If you are using Z10 STL-1, Use this CORE OS instead
Download Z10 STL-1 Radio
DOwnload STl-2-3 and Porsche Design Radio
Download Z10 STl-4 Radio
Download Z30 Radio
Download Q5 Radio
Download Q10 Radio
DOwnload Z3 Radio
Now, if your not as adventurous, here’s the links to autoloader. Just backup your device, connect it, and use the autoloader. Note that autoloader will wipe out all data from the device!
For Global devices:
BlackBerry Z3
BlackBerry Q5
BlackBerry Z10 STl-1
BlackBerry Z10 STl 2-3 and Porsche Design P9982
BlackBerry Z10 STL-4
BlackBerry Q10
BlackBerry Z30
BlackBerry Z3
BlackBerry Q5
BlackBerry Z10 STL-1
BlackBerry Z10 STl 2-3 and Porsche Design
BlackBerry Z10 STL-4
BlackBerry Q10
BlackBerry Z30
If you need, and just require the applications:
Download All the Application bars