Have you ever sent an imcomplete email or an email that you have regretted? Well, fret not, because Devcellent has come up with a new application, UnSend, to help you with that! This was one of my most handy feature in the legacy devices in their application Email++.
At the moment, with OS 10.2.1, UnSend only supports ActiveSync accounts. However, with OS 10.3 and the latest update, it will also support POP and IMAP email accounts.
How does this work then?
- Compose and send an email message
- The email message will be intercepted by UnSend and kept in its send queue. The message will be automatically sent after the send delay (you have to set this in the app).
- If you want to unsend a pending email, long press on the message in the BlackBerry HUB, and click on “Share | Unsend” from the context menu.
- List of pending email message is displayed
- Tap on a pending message to unsend an email
- The unsent email will now be changed into a draft for you to edit and resend
Note that the default time set is 10seconds though, you can change it. What is also included is vibrate on send which was another feature I relied on my legacy device to do.
UnSend by Devcellent is now available in the BlackBerry World for just USD$2.99, so be sure to check this out!
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