BlackBerry Blend Beta Demo Site Extracted For All to Play


My buddy Bla1ze over at CrackBerry seems to have found a way to extract the demo site for the BlackBerry Blend Beta for all of us. That means you can head on over to his site here and check out what the current dummy beta looks like for yourself. You will get prompts for a device password here and there but there seems to be much more hidden beneath the surface.

The data is also totally dummy data but still its fun to see what BlackBerry has in the works. Check it out at this link. Kudos to Bla1ze for the sneak peak!

2 total comments on this postSubmit your comment!
  1. So i could forget my blackberry at home and use another phone to get all my blackberry information and/or from a cpu. AWESOMENESSSSSSS!

  2. this is awesome and a feature IO’m looking forward to use in my Z30

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