Upcoming BlackBerry Messenger Update Adds Highly Requested Improvements


BlackBerry seems to have finally decided to treat BBM like an app that deserves to be constantly updated instead of just once a year. Coming off their huge 10.3 update BlackBerry’s Jeff Gadway has hit their blogG to confirm quite a few more improvements coming in the next BBM release. Specifically this new version adds features that we heard about before like stickers and the ability to send larger files over BBM. Now Gadway has gotten more specific about exactly what is coming.

Specifically he confirmed that the file transfer limit has been raised to 16MB from the previous 6MB. That means you can send about 16 seconds of video instead of just 6 seconds of 1080p video previously. They are also adding photo sharing to multi person chats. Last but not least they are increasing the size of Emoticons slightly based on feedback. Now if only they just found a better way to downgrade video so we could share longer videos at lower quality easily…

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