ToySoft let me know about their new Secure Mail app for BlackBerry 10. The app implements Public Key Cryptography right in the BlackBerry 10 Hub. It does this by allowing you to exchange your public key with other people over email and then using your Private/Public key pair to encrypt communications using AES-256 encryption. It leverages BlackBerry 10’s FIPS validated cryptography so this is about as good as it gets.
The way it works is you and your recipient install the app and generate your private and public keys. You then both share your public keys with each other. After that you have to login to the Secure Email app to send emails but you can read emails from the hub. In the future they will also allow you to compose emails in the hub.
I am hoping that ToySoft adds some PGP compatibility in Secure Mail to expand its use cases but it still is the only consumer encrypted email app I have seen so far. Check out Secure Mail for $2.99 in BlackBerry World.
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