I have had a few people ask me about why certain features are not available on BlackBerry 10 connected to Microsoft Exchange using ActiveSync. I have been using this relatively updated list on Wikipedia for awhile but turns out there is a document directly from BlackBerry detailing the features. The features are all based on the version of ActiveSync available in each version of Microsoft Exchange. For example, on Exchange 2003 you will not have access to server side email searching. Or even more common of a question is the fact that you need Exchange 2010 for free/busy lookups.
Check out the listing below:
Microsoft ActiveSync 2.5 with Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 SP2
Functional limitations and known issues exist when BlackBerry ActiveSync client in BlackBerry 10 smartphone utilizes ActiveSync protocol connection to Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 SP2.
BlackBerry Compatibility Matrix lists BlackBerry ActiveSync client for Exchange ActiveSync 2.5 as limited support only. See Compatibility Matrix guide page 11 for details – Mail servers for BlackBerry 10 OS compatibility matrix guide.
- Direct Push
- Email sync
- Calendar sync
- Contacts sync
- Tasks Sync
- Remote wipe
- Sync multiple folders
- GAL lookup
- SSL encrypted transmission
- 4131
- 4136
- AEFrequencyValue
- DeviceWipeThreshold
- MinimumPasswordLength
- PasswordComplexity
Although compatible, it is recommended to upgrade Exchange ActiveSync server to 12.0 or higher to utilize added functionality and avoid synchronization issues with Exchange ActiveSync 2.5 connections.
Microsoft ActiveSync 12.0 with Microsoft Exchange Server 2007
- User started remote wipe (server side)
- HTML email
- Server Search
- Set Out of Facility/Office (OOF)
- Follow-up flags
- Meeting attendee information
- AutoDiscover
- Bandwidth reduction
Policies :
- AllowAttachementDownload (client side)
- Maximum attachment size
- Allow simple password
- Password expiration (days)
- Enforce password history
- Encrypt storage card
Microsoft ActiveSync 12.1 with Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 SP1
- Bandwidth reductions (compressed/removed headers) Partial
- S/MIME13 Only supported through BDS
- Allow device encryption
- Require device encryption
- Minimum number of complex characters
- Include past email items (Days)
- Include past calendar items (Days)
- Require manual sync while roaming
Microsoft ActiveSync 14.0 with Microsoft Exchange Server 2010
- Conversation View
- Free/Busy lookup
- Notes sync
Microsoft ActiveSync 14.1 with Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 SP1
- Block/Allow/Quarantine List (device info)
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