Latest Twitter for BlackBerry 10.2.2 Removed From BlackBerry World – Downgrade Instructions

Twitter for BlackBerry 10 Updated

BlackBerry has removed the latest Twitter for BlackBerry 10 v10.2.2 update from BlackBerry World. The version has some serious user reported issues that BlackBerry is investigating and hopes to have resolved shortly. Until then BlackBerry has posted the following remediation instructions:

  1. On the home screen, hold the Twitter icon until the X appears. Press the X to delete the application.
  2. Open BlackBerry World.
  3. In BlackBerry World go to Settings by swiping down from the top of the screen.
  4. Select -> General -> Refresh BlackBerry World.
  5. Search for Twitter in BlackBerry World
  6. Install Twitter version 10.2.1

Kudos to BlackBerry-FR for spotting this!

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