This is starting to get ridiculous. Since BlackBerry 10 launched I have been hearing complaints from developers and users about the lack of being able to run apps in the background without active frames. Now we are tens of OS releases later with multiple public rollouts and we still do not have this critical feature. It was supposed to come with the newly minted and released OS 10.2 and we had two apps released with headless support before BlackBerry again pulled the plug.
This time we have the developer of Flip Shush, one of the two available headless apps, confirming that BlackBerry has changed the minimum for “long running headless apps” to the unreleased OS 10.2.1. (via CrackBerry) Supposedly this is because some builds of OS 10.2 do not properly support long running headless applications.
In other words one of the most long awaited and touted feature of OS 10.2 is pushed off yet again. Don’t get me wrong I want BlackBerry to get this right but this is starting to going beyond ridiculous. This is one of the most demanded features for BlackBerry and one of the key features of legacy BlackBerry devices and it is still missing.
Hopefully BlackBerry will actually deliver OS 10.2.1 before the end of the year (unlikely) and we will FINALLY get headless apps. I am getting tired of this…
bbfanboi ( View Profile) - Posts: