Advanced: How to Force Load the Latest OS 10.2 On Your BlackBerry


We have been getting multiple requests from readers on how to get OS 10.2 on their BlackBerry 10 devices. The old method for leaks still is open as they come out though we wont see as many of OS 10.2.1 due to a change they made radio-wise. On the other hand many of us BlackBerry 10 users in the US and other countries have been left out in the cold in the last rollout. BlackBerry comitted to getting us OS 10.2 sometime in “the winter.”

Advanced users have long been using Sacha’s “Sachesi” tool. Sachesi is dubbed as a BlackBerry 10 firmware extractor, searcher, and installer and with v1.1 is an awesome tool. The tool can be use to push a non-destructive OS 10.2 release on your BlackBerry 10 device without losing all your data. I would still HIGHLY recommend backing up before using it and we provide no warranty… but it does work.

My buddy Adam over @CrackBerry pointed out a great guide by LopezZ10 on how to use Sachesi for the non-initiated. Check it out below:

To start, you’ll need to download and install Sachesi. It’s a good idea to remove your SIM and also perform a full backup of your device before you start as well.

1. Plug in your device to you computer using a microUSB cable.

2. Open Sachesi and search for the update using the parameters below. Make sure you use the correct Device and Variant depending on your device.


3. Select "Download All". Remember where you save the folder.

4. When the download is complete, go to the Install tab and select Install: .bar(s)


5. Select the folder with the OS that was downloaded earlier in step 3


6. Wait patiently for the OS to load on your device


It can take 30 minutes or longer to load the OS onto your device, so just hang tight and don’t do anything until it’s done.

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