FAQ: You Cannot Have The Same BlackBerry ID On Two Phones (BB10, iOS, & Android)


This one is more of an FYI to those of you who have been asking about how BBM will work on iPhone iOS and Android devices. In a nutshell you cannot use the same BlackBerry ID (BBID) on two phones with BBM. Whatever phone you sign in with last will sign out your other phone from BBM. That means if you have a BlackBerry 10 or BlackBerry 7 device with BBM and want to sign into an iPhone or Android device at the same time then use a different BBID.

I was hoping that BlackBerry would allow you to sign into multiple devices by now but it does not seem to be in the cards. Hopefully someone at BlackBerry is working on syncing BBM messages across multiple devices… Maybe even your computer… 🙂

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