I miss having the Zinio on BlackBerry 10 after having it on the BlackBerry PlayBook and using it, so I ended up sideloaded it onto my Z10. I have to admit though, having BlackBerry NewsStand is nice and it gives the feeling of having the magazine option on your Device straight from the OS. The app has a short changelog which I’ll share with you. Has anyone else used Newsstand and if so, what do you think?
- New Reader Mode to improve the reading experience
- Ability to link to Magazine issues directly from within BlackBerry World
matt hanna Not Registered
Posted: September 29, 2013 at 11:27 AM EST from my BlackBerry Z10 | OS
Don’t use it. But what version of zinio were you able to get Working? Would like to get that working.
Cobus Benade Not Registered
Posted: September 30, 2013 at 2:47 AM EST
No content for my region (South Africa), so app is almost as useless as, well any of the other built in “Built by BB” apps.