BlackBerry US Market Share Still Topping Windows Phone

 comScore Reports June 2013

A few readers have pointed out the latest ComScore data to come out on market share for smartphone OEMs. The latest data shows BlackBerry having only 4.4% of the smartphone platform pie vs having 5.2% 3 months ago. On the other hand the next competitor down is Microsoft which sits at 3.1% market share compared to 3.0% market share 3 months ago. Both of those are not ideal situations but it just goes to show that this is still a race for 3rd place. Right now Windows Phone is struggling to become relevant though people seem to think it might have a chance of success over BlackBerry 10 due to Microsoft’s deep pockets. It seems like even Microsoft’s deep pockets can only move the needle 0.1% with Nokia launching flagship new Windows Mobile phones…

Here is to hoping BlackBerry has a way to turn back this downward market share trend soon!

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