Flurry Mobile Analytics Coming to BlackBerry 10


BlackBerry 10 developers have been complaining to me about the lack of an analytics service for BlackBerry 10 apps. Even BlackBerrys own analytics program does not work on BlackBerry 10 and is set as “coming soon.” This has not stopped an enterprising developer from creating a Localytics unsupported opensource client but it is something.

That is why I was glad when I read about the following session at BlackBerry Jam happening this month:

JAM68 – Flurry Mobile Analytics on BlackBerry 10!!

  • Richard Brett – Lead Engineer, Flurry, Inc.
  • Anthony Watkins – Senior Director, Developer Relations, Flurry, Inc
  • Garett Beukeboom – Application Development Consultant, BlackBerry

One of the most important aspects to building successful apps is understanding who your users are and how they interact with your app. Using analytics you can quickly measure audience reach, engagement, retention, conversions, revenue and more. Join Garett from BlackBerry and Anthony from Flurry as they provide an overview of the newly released Flurry Analytics SDK for BlackBerry 10, the Flurry Analytics Dashboard and insights on how to get the most out of your analytics implementation.

The current SDK supports both Cascades and Native applications through a simple C++ or C interface respectively.

I think that pretty much seals the deal about Flurry bringing their analytics platform to BlackBerry 10. Hopefully others will follow!

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