Free AIO Remote for PC, Mac, & Linux Adds Dual Monitor Support & More (BB10 & PlayBook)

AIO Remote AIO Remote2

My favorite remote control app for BlackBerry 10 just received a beautiful update to v3.4.2. AIO Remote allows you to control your Windows, Mac, or Linux machines from your BlackBerry 10 or PlayBook device. The BlackBerry 10 version is native though the PlayBook version is an Android port. The new version adds the following improvements:

  • Bluetooth unlocked
  • File manager on Bluetooth
  • Customize media player
  • Dual monitor support
  • Command key added to custom remotes
  • Control mouse scroll speed

I am loving the dual monitor support but Bluetooth working is nice to see. To get up and running you need to install the app on your phone along with downloading the server component on your computer. Check out a demo video below:

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