Chase Bank Plans to Discontinue Legacy BlackBerry App on April 21st

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A little more than a year after finally launching a BlackBerry app for BlackBerry 7 devices Chase has decided to discontinue it. They sent out an email to their users that they plan on removing support for it on April 21st. I am not sure what sparked the decision but I have already had the Android Chase banking app sideloaded on my BlackBerry Z10 for over an month now and it works like a charm. Either way Chase is recommending users just use the mobile website at that offers the same features minus the check depositing. Here is the email they sent out:

From: Chase
Subject: Starting April 21st, we’ll no longer offer the Chase Mobile® App for BlackBerry devices
Sent: Mar 21, 2013 16:31
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E-mail Security Information. We want you to be aware of a change. Starting April 21st, we’ll no longer offer the Chase Mobile® App for BlackBerry devices. Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience.
You will still be able to access your accounts with your BlackBerry device by going to on your mobile browser. From the mobile browser you’ll be able to do everything you do today with the app, except you won’t be able to use Chase QuickDepositSM. If you need to deposit a check, please visit one of our Chase DepositFriendlySM ATMs or a branch.
Thank you for choosing Chase. If you have questions about this change, please call us at 1-877-CHASEPC (1-877-242-7372).
Jennifer Myhre
Senior Vice President

Not cool Chase. Not cool…

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