BlackBerry World Still Missing The Fundamentals – Coupon Codes & Gift Cards


I was really hoping the BlackBerry World team would finally address this HUGE gaping hole in the BlackBerry storefront with the launch of BlackBerry 10. While they did add sweet features like remote installing they are still missing a feature that is basic to every other online store in the world. BlackBerry World currently sits at v4.0.x (years after it launched) and it still does not provide app and game developers the ability to create coupon codes or sell gift cards. That is one huge missed opportunity that I am still shocked BlackBerry has not addressed. BlackBerry actually made the problem worse with BlackBerry 10 by removing OTA installations which was the only reasonable workaround.

Here are just some of the opportunities BlackBerry World is missing by not having such a fundamental feature as coupon codes:

  • Developers are unable to offer flash sales through different channels like Twitter
  • Developers cannot give away copies of their app to create buzz or easily limit the number they give away
  • Websites like BerryReview cannot easily run a contest to giveaway applications or offer readers discounts (This one really bothers me)
  • Developers cannot offer discounts for beta testers, survey respondents, or long standing customers
  • Developers cannot easily give websites review copies of their software

On top of coupon codes BlackBerry is still not able to sell gift cards. This is something that competitive app marketplaces have been doing for ages and it is mind boggling that the BlackBerry World team still does not get how important both of these features are. I am sure it is one of the top questions the BlackBerry Developer Relations team hears about from developers.

I have been speaking to contacts at BlackBerry directly trying to get this issue addressed for years and keep hearing promises that never pan out. It seems like they need to hear it directly from their users so… If you follow any of the BlackBerry execs on Twitter, Facebook, BBM, or elsewhere please make sure to stress to them (multiple times if necessary) how important it is for BlackBerry World to have coupon codes and gift cards ASAP. I am hoping that will help them realize that we cannot go another year without such a crucial feature.


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