BlackBerry 10 Gets Slick Native BitTorrent Client BitTorque – Hint: Its Awesome!

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My jaw dropped when Jay and then Michael@BBEmpire pointed out BitTorque to me. It is a NATIVE on device BitTorrent client for BlackBerry 10 built in Cascades. It is powered by the powerful and popular Transmission torrent client to download torrents directly to your BlackBerry. I tried it myself and I have to say I am VERY impressed. I am even more impressed with BlackBerry for allowing it in BlackBerry World. I managed to reach some ridiculously fast speeds over both Wi-Fi and LTE which was completed the awesome trifecta. The app has all the basic features you need and expect in Desktop clients without all the extra weight including:

  • Several network modes including WiFi-only
  • Simultaneous torrent downloading
  • Web Browser and File Manager integration
  • Magnet link support
  • Sharing of torrents
  • Upload and Download speed limits
  • Tracker-less torrent (DHT) support
  • UPnP and NAT-PMP support
  • Encryption support
  • Local Peer Discovery support

You can pick up BitTorque for $2.99 in BlackBerry World.

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