(From top to bottom: BlackBerry Z10, iPhone 5, Samsung Galaxy S3) credit:CNET
I have really been enjoying the zippy camera in the BlackBerry Z10. The pictures snap in a second and the camera fires up quickly. The only real complaint I have is that dark pictures come out grainy unless I am using flash but in my tests its slightly worse than the Samsung Galaxy S3 though both take horrible dark shots. Gizmodo confirmed that in their test showing the Z10 takes much worse shots than slightly less horrible low light shots of the iPhone 5 and Galaxy S3. Only the Nokia Lumia 920 is able to really pull those off.
That is why I was very interested to read my buddy Jessica Dolcourt @CNET do a full on comparison between the cameras on the Z10, iPhone 5, and Samsung Galaxy S3 in 36 shots. She is in no way a pro photographer but she did some interesting real life comparison shots. This is a great bare bones comparison and I really think you guys will enjoy it. I am just surprised how it consistently takes better shots than the Galaxy S3 and sometimes even the iPhone 5’s much lauded camera. Now BlackBerry just needs to work on the low light performance!
Check out the full BlackBerry Z10 vs iPhone 5 vs Samsung Galaxy S3 camera test at CNET. I am still impressed that this is BlackBerry’s first iteration of a camera on BlackBerry 10 and it is already holding its own.
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