BlackBerry 10 Retains “Mark Prior Read” & “Delete Prior” Options

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One of the first things I missed when I started using BlackBerry 10 was the ability to “Mark Prior Read” and “Delete Prior.” For some reason no other mobile OS has managed to add such a simple function and I thought we had lost it in BlackBerry 10. Thankfully I asked Annu Dawar @BlackBerry and he corrected me. It turns out that we DO have the ability to “Mark Prior Read” and “Delete Prior.”

To get this option you simply press and hold your finger on the date title bar in the BlackBerry hub. After a second a context menu will pop up and you will have the ability to “Mark Prior Read” and “Delete Prior.” You also have the ability to jump back or forward by a day. These are the sort of small touches I love seeing in BlackBerry 10.

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