Easily Star or Archive Gmail Messages in BlackBerry 10

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Here is another BlackBerry 10 tip I noticed recently. One of the things I have been missing from BlackBerry 7 is the ability to star a message in Gmail along with archiving, labeling, and reporting messages as spam. While the latter two are still unavailable I did find a work around for starring and unstarring Gmail messages along with archiving them.

It turns out that you can simply “Flag” or “Unflag a message in the BlackBerry 10 hub and that translates into a Star or Unstarred message in Gmail. It really is as simple as that!

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For archiving email things get a bit trickier. It turns out that there is a “Bug” in BlackBerry 10 that that I actually consider sort of a feature in some cases. It turns out that when you delete an email from the Hub it does not actually place it in the trash. Instead the email is archived and put in the All Mail folder. I am not sure how I feel about that last bug but for now that means I can archive email!

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