RIM Offering $2 Million in Rewards for Last Chance Port-A-Thon


We told you before that RIM was throwing their Last Chance Port-A-Thon this weekend. When they announced it they put a limit of $500,000 on the available rewards they would pay out to developers. They just posted up that they have expanded that to $2,000,000 available for developers. The most interesting change is that this Port-A-Thon includes many more eligible apps. Here is how RIM describes it:

What apps are eligible, you ask? You can build/port apps using any one of the development languages that supports BlackBerry 10. Port from Android, use HTML5, Native C/C++, AIR, jQuery, Marmalade, Qt, PhoneGap, Appcelerator, Sencha and more. Additionally, apps created using BlackBerry App Generator are also eligible. (Note: you need to own the blog content to be eligible)

All apps that are submitted will be reviewed and approved apps will be notified with rewards. You can find answers to any logistical questions here.

These port-a-thons are just part of our dedication to our developers and apps for our new BlackBerry 10 platform. We’re dedicated to building a healthy ecosystem for BlackBerry 10. We’re committed to our Built For BlackBerry initiative and our 10k developer commitment.

Check out the details on the extended Last Chance Port-A-Thon here. Personally I am still waiting for my app from the last Port-A-Thon to be approved…

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