Free All In One Remote Controls Your PC from Your BlackBerry PlayBook

All In One Remote2  All In One Remote

I was recently looking for a way to control my home theater PC from my PlayBook using it as a remote. I was using Splashtop but that was not ideal. Today Jason (Update: seems like this is coming via RIMarkable) pointed out All In One Remote to me which was ported to the PlayBook from Android awhile back by the developer Hisham Hassan Bak. It has an awesome feature set and works with Windows, Mac, and even Linux. It even has controls for common applications including the key VLC player.

Here is the feature set:

  • Control any app ever by creating your own custom remotes.
  • Wifi and Bluetooth supported.
  • Linux, Windows and Mac supported.
  • Remote mouse control.
  • Remote keyboard control.
  • Remote File Manager.
  • Powepoint control.
  • Control common applications (Windows media player, Media player classic, Winamp, VLC, Banshee, Totem )
  • Game controller with 8 buttons, 8 directions and multi-touch support.
  • Game Pad designer: Add any number of buttons – delete buttons – resize buttons – change buttons position – change keyboard mapping.
  • Multiplayer support: play with your friends with different mobile phones as game pads.
  • Tablet support: because you can resize and re position buttons anywhere on your screen.
  • Languages supported: (English, Arabic). More languages will be added.

You need to pick up All In One Remote from App World and also install the server component on the PC you wish to control. Let us know how it works for you!

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