You may remember Touch back when it was called PingChat. In an effort to differentiate their product they went through a rebranding and redesign to Touch along with some cool new features. Their latest is what they call “Collaborative Experiences” with a new shared photo album feature. With this feature you can share photo albums outside of Touch using an online photo album regardless if they also have Touch installed. They cannot add pictures but others on Touch can.
Check out the latest version of Touch free in App World or read the announcement below:
Today we are introducing Touch 3.4 to launch Collaborative Experiences.
When we re-launched as Touch 3.0, we introduced the concept of Experiences for the first time. Experiences is our term for a core feature that lets Touch users share an album of photos with a group of friends. Until now Experiences were not very dynamic, nor were they collaborative. A new Experience had to be shared each time there was a new collection of photos, and the Experience was controlled by one owner.
With Touch 3.4, we are re-introducing Experiences and letting users create shared, real-time photo albums with selected friends and family. Each member is now considered a "part of the experience", and members can capture and share moments as they happen.
It’s easy to imagine the possibilities of having a private, shared, collaborative and dynamic photo album that integrates directly into users’ phones. With the holiday season on the horizon, friends and families can capture powerful memories as photos are taken, edit and collaborate on their albums as a group, and keep a high quality photo album for years to come.