RIM Highlights Heavy Evernote Integration in BlackBerry 10

Evernote BlackBErry 10

Thorsten Heins said that RIM was going to partner heavily with BlackBerry 10 and more signs of that are showing. 89apps was digging through the documentation just released for the Gold BlackBerry 10 SDKs and noticed something interesting. They make heavy mention of Evernote integration in the note taking “Remember” application and N4BB scored some screenshots. Specifically it calls out the four types of notebooks in BlackBerry 10:

  • Generic: notebook stored locally on device
  • ActiveSyncMemo: synced to your ActiveSync account as a Memo (note)
  • ActiveSyncTask: synced to your ActiveSync account as a Task (a todo item)
  • Evernote: synced to your Evernote account

Here is how RIM describes it:

Screen Shot 2012-12-11 at 11.29.30 PM

On top of that it looks like Evernote will have integration in the global Accounts settings in BlackBerry 10 so there will be full on integration!

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