If you were worried about access to network drives and shares from your BlackBerry 10 smartphone then worry no longer. BBin spotted a new Work Drives application for BlackBerry 10 in App World and its a doozie. It allows you to map MULTIPLE network drives to your BlackBerry 10 smartphone and the best part is that they show up as regular drives to the File Manager and Documents to Go apps.
Features include:
- Mapping Network Drives - Manage multiple network drives from your BlackBerry device
- File Manager Integration – Access documents and manage network folders from the File Manager application
- Document Management – Create and edit documents using BlackBerry 10 familiar applications like Documents To Go
- Attach documents to Email from shared network drives
- Save attachments directly from Email to a shared network drive
You can actually check it out now in App World if you have a compatible BB10 device. BlackBerry 10 just keeps on getting better every day!
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