StereoTube and Animated Weather HD On Sale! 33% Off!

animated weather HD

Andrei Avram let us know that both of his apps for PlayBook are currently on sale. He has knocked 33% off the regular price so you can now pick up Stereotube and Animate Weather HD for $1.99 each! We have covered both of Andrei’s apps before (StereoTube and Weather) and I can confidently recommend both as solid additions to your collection.

As you can see above, Andrei has paid attention to the details. Animated Weather HD looks awesome and it has everything you need right in front of you. A great feature is the ability to change the map type that is displayed on the right side. The default google map with weather overlay is great for checking current conditions if you’re traveling. I also like the animated radar map which is useful for predicting precipitation. Yup, more snow on the way!


StereoTube is one of those apps I wish I had thought of. It fills a need for many people out there (like Ronen) who use YouTube to stream music. I honestly hadn’t used YouTube for music much until I picked up StereoTube. The app is laid out very well and there is a tutorial when you first fire it up that walks you through the basics. I got a great start to my Christmas playlist for the many gatherings coming up in the next month. Any suggestions?

Andrei is deeply committed to BlackBerry and even delivered a presentation recently in Romania for Android and iOS developers about BB10 and his success story with Animated Weather HD. He’s hoping to convince them of the the benefits of developing for BB10.

So go pick up Animated Weather and StereoTube from App World! They’re priced very well at $1.99 and its a great way to support a fellow BB10Believer!

Andrei is working on what he calls a proper radio app for PlayBook. It is called Radio Player for SHOUTcast and will be available very soon. Sneak peek screenshots below.

radio player genres

radio player searched

Any thoughts or suggestions for Andrei? He is committed to supporting his apps and I’m sure he would welcome any feedback.

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