I have been refreshing some of my Qt knowledge now that BlackBerry 10 is close to launch. A few other Qt developers have reached out to us to try and get a feel of what it would take to make a Qt app on BlackBerry 10 and what this “Cascades” thing is. Eun-Kyung Choi and Kizito Kasengulu just published a really good resource for Qt developers that details what will and wont work with Qt on the PlayBook. For example, Qt on the PlayBook supports all of the standard Qt 4.8 API’s except for QtWebKit for obvious reasons.
Well worth a read if you are working on a Qt project for BlackBerry 10 or are considering one. Check out it out at Writing Qt apps for the BlackBerry 10 platform. Also worth checking out is RIM’s getting started guide for building your first game using the open source NME framework.
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