Awesome FlyCraft PlayBook Game Developed in 30 Day Challenge


I was really impressed with the developers of PopCorny when they released FlyCraft. FlyCraft is an awesome game on the PlayBook and was released exclusively for the PlayBook recently. I just learned from a friend (via the DevBlog) that FlyCraft was actually created for a developer challenge. This challenge was the Ludum Dare event 2012 that started 2 years ago challenging devs to start and finish a game, take it to market, and earn $1 in 30 days. Harry Kalogirou and Thanasis Lightbridge took the challenge and stated that:

The game will be coded using the Sylphis3D game engine and we are going to exclusively target the Blackberry Playbook and the App World store, as it is a platform I fell in love recently and it’s a platform where you can actually make a buck these days.

They announced the submission of FlyCraft on the 29th of October and their $1 challenge entrance on the 1st of November which qualifies them! The best part is that they stated that:

The plan from now on is to add in the game all the cool features we left out due to the time constraint of the challenge. Some of the things we left out with a cold heart were the instant replay system that will allow you to view your flights again but also to share them with friends, the ability to save multiple crafts and challenge friends to fly your crafts and do better, and lot more stuff that I will not reveal at the moment!

Check out FlyCraft in App World or the game’s website. Check out the launch trailer below:

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