It was amazing to feel the developer excitement coming out of BlackBerry Jam Americas this week. The thing I kept hearing over and over again was that it “looks like RIM might be able to pull this off!” RIM has capitalized on this sentiment with their #BB10Believe and reasons to believe campaign. If you were at the Keynote during the first BlackBerry 10 Jam in Orlando you may remember Alec Saunders & Chris Smith (RIM development execs) busting out some Tom Petty about how the “Waiting is the hardest part.” I thought it was apropos for them to follow up at BlackBerry Jam Americas this week with a promise to “Keep on Loving” developers as they finalized and updated many of the BlackBerry 10 development toolsets.
It is pretty amazing the change Alec Saunders and RIM’s whole development team have been able to make at RIM and the BlackBerry developer community in the last year. Some of the mainstream media did not understand this and took this latest music video totally out of context. That is why I was glad to see Alec Saunders post a heartfelt final note on the BlackBerry DevBlog about BlackBerry Jam. It is definitely worth a read.
Kudos to the BlackBerry Dev team and everyone involved for pulling off this transformation at RIM.
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