Introducing The BB10 Dev Alpha B

RIM has been very busy courting the developer community to get them interested in BB10. At BlackBerry World in May, they handed out thousands of complimentary Dev Alpha devices to give registered BB10 developers a hands-on platform to experience the BB10 tools and environment first-hand. This proved to be so popular that RIM’s supply of the devices vanished quickly, so they made a decision to build more. I give you the BB10 Dev Alpha B.




As you can see, the device is slightly different from the original Dev Alpha, and I’m told there are very minor hardware differences. Though I’m sure it wasn’t their intention, it seems like there were definite efforts to make sure this was not a “black slab with rounded corners.” Registered developers at BB Jam Americas will receive one to take home. I expect to have more hands-on time with the device later this week, and I’ll post anything new that I find out.

devb (3)

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