BlackBerry 10 Gets a Teardown of Prerelease Model

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I just got back from vacation for the Jewish New Year (Rosh Hashanah) and it seems like BlackBerry 10 leaked images have been coming out of the woodwork. If you were itching to see a BlackBerry 10 L-Series device without its clothes on you can check out this new prerelease teardown of the device by cmknight of BisVN (via CrackBerry). They got some great shots of the device without its casing on along with the following info though we already knew much of what they revealed:

  • Full capacitive touch-screen, we were informed that the keyboard version would most likely come out a month after.
  • Dual core processor with an pristine ISP display
  • Two colors: white + black. The white looks awesome, way better than the iPhone 5 which I am currently testing.
  • Front camera with video chat feature like team view. Besides being able to see each other through the front camera, it can also show the screen of the person you are talking too.
  • Camera with auto-focus can take pictures at the speed of 1shot/second, then you can choose the best one.
  • Time view function. For 1 picture, it could save up to 10 facial expressions of any person, they you can scroll back and forth to view and choose the best one.

Check out the shots and let us know what you think!

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