Dev Ports iOS Game to PlayBook in 2-3 Days

PlayBook faster than iOS

These are the kinds of stories that truly show the chops behind QNX, the PlayBook, and BlackBerry 10. @harkal of Thoughts Serializer posted about him porting his iOS optimized game to the BlackBerry PlayBook. He confirmed that he did the port in only 2-3 days which is impressive. What is even more impressive is that the port runs, or at least launches, 30% faster on the PlayBook than it does on the iPad 2. (not the New iPad but that processor really improved graphics GPU not CPU performance) Both of the devices run dual core ARM Cortex-A9 CPU’s and the video below showing it all even though both games are running at 60fps.

The interesting part is that the PlayBook is 30% faster even including the animations for launching the game. Check out @harkal’s post on how iOS ate dust on his blog along with his porting experience.

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